



For 140 years, Maumee Valley Country Day School has been one of Northwest Ohio’s greattreasures. 坐落在超过75英亩的林地上, 我们是托莱多地区的锚定机构, 年龄超过了托莱多动物园, 托莱多艺术博物馆, 湾仔维景托莱多, 是的, 托莱多泥鸡.

最初成立于纽约西部,名叫Mrs. 威廉G. 布赖恩的神学院, 一所备受推崇的女子精修和寄宿学校, it moved to Toledo in 1884 and became The Smead School for Girls.

While Maumee Valley Country Day School is rich in tradition, our history is anything but traditional. In fact, a chronicle of our key milestones reads like a record of “firsts.” It’s precisely this progressive approach that remains our compass today, continually guiding us even as we explore new and unique ways to educate and inspire. 以下是我们历史上的一些关键日期.


Ruth Beardsley opens a select day school for young ladies in Batavia, NY.


1848年5月, 比尔兹利小姐嫁给了威廉, Bryan and she and her husband changed the facility to a boarding school, 被称为布莱恩神学院. Among the local girls attending are sisters Marina and Mary Smead.


The Smead sisters assume full responsibility of the boarding school from Miss Bryan. The school’s reputation draws the attention of several prominent local families, 他们最终要求姐妹们把学校搬到托莱多, 然后是全国第35大城市,有50多个,000居民.


学校于1884年9月在北纬1983年开学. 峰会圣. 有35名学生和8名教师. It is renamed The Smead School for Girls (a third Smead sister, 卡洛琳, 是团队的新成员).


The growing school relocates to Woodruff Avenue and into a dedicated classroom building, 还能建幼儿园, 食堂, 行政办公室, 也是学校演出的地方, 舞蹈, 和午餐会. 姐妹俩的家成了一些教员的住处


The school becomes the first in Toledo to be accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.


学校变成了一个非营利性的公司, 设立受托人委员会, 分为蒙台梭利(学前班), 主要的, 中间, 高中部门. The school is the first in the country to incorporate Montessori school principles into an existing school. 男孩第一次被允许进入低年级.


莱斯利·利兰, 新校长, transforms Smead School into one of the first country day schools in Ohio. 董事会在雷诺兹路买下了27英亩林地, which is seen as the most significant turning point in the school’s history.


The newly renamed Maumee Valley Country Day School opens its doors at its new (and current) site on Reynolds Road, 在托莱多成立50年后. “Progressive education” supplants textbook study with the use of field trips, 以及学生之间的经验分享, 他们的家庭, 和老师.


威利斯·斯托克成为校长, 监督学校未来十年的增建工作, 包括教室和餐厅. Boys are accepted into the 上学校 in 1939 and eventually enrolled at all levels.


Maumee Valley is the first educational institution in Toledo to be granted a charter by the Cum Laude Society, 全国性学术荣誉协会. 小詹姆斯·亨德森. 被任命为校长吗.


父母 purchase 28 acres south of the school and donate them to Maumee Valley. In 1959, the school enlarges its facilities and builds a separate 上学校 gymnasium, 600个座位的体育场, 为运动队提供新的运动场地, 还有一个低年级的操场.


戈登T. 斯科菲尔德, 新校长, “更好的机会”(ABC)项目, 欢迎社会和经济困难的学生. The senior work-study program is adopted, the first attempt of its kind nationwide. 低年级的开放式学校计划, urging students 和老师 to integrate new ways of learning into daily routines, 帮助将入学人数增加到515人的历史最高水平.


一所新的低年级学校没有围墙, 教室排列在资源中心的周边. 教师 members learn open/integrated teaching methods abroad and classes become more individualized in approach. Global programs are introduced and Maumee Valley becomes one of only five U.S. high schools to participate in a Model United Nations program at the Hague in Holland.


The school temporarily moves to the Secor Hotel in downtown Toledo, 由酒店老板兼校友小汉森·琼斯提供. 当天然气短缺迫使校园关闭时. The original building is renovated and renamed Smead Building, and the auditorium is renamed Millhon Auditorium in honor of Jerry Millhon, 前校长.


Winterim, a month-long program of individualized study on and off campus, 首次为高年级学生. The board sells four acres of the property at Glendale Avenue and Reynolds Road to alleviate budget problems.


A new 7,500-square-foot science wing costing about $800,000 is completed. 董事会通过了一项五年长期计划, 包括计划招生和设施扩建, 促进员工卓越, and providing challenging academic programs and community involvement.


迪克Cadigan, 新校长, maintains a balanced budget in the midst of uncertain economic times and guides the school through the seven-year reaccreditation from the Independent School Association of the Central States. 一个美术设施项目完成, 包括沃尔夫画廊, 广场, 美术工作室, 还有戏剧室.


菲尼亚斯·安德森被聘为校长. 在他任职期间, mg冰球突破试玩有11年是最高产的年份, 包括入学人数的增长, 制定长期计划, 还有一个设施总体规划.


有300个座位的千禧剧院, 有50英尺高的舞台和灯火通明的钟楼, 作为$9.600万项目, which also includes a new 中学 and common area and the Johnson-Bayer Physical Education Complex Gym and weight training facility.


Gary Boehm is named head of school after spending 15 years as head of the 中学. 他启动了一项战略计划,其中包括七项战略举措, including the Global Education Program and the “Under One Roof Campaign.” The $15 million campaign officially kicks off to replace the 50-year-old 上学校, 装修斯米德大厦, 并创建了四个捐赠基金. 卡巴扎中心, Deichert家庭连接器, 和安宁草坪也是作品的一部分.


New 上学校 building opens, later renamed the Boehm Building.


Boehm发展了个人的愿景, 经验, and Global education for all students that remains our core vision today.


Maumee Valley开设了Dayal House, 有28个床位的宿舍, 使MV成为俄亥俄州第六所寄宿学校.


高中学期扩展到每年三次集训, interspersed with two terms of rotating core academic classes. The three-year MV2020: A Vision for the Future campaign also begins.


Lynn Casto被聘为校长. A Forest School-inspired initiative launches with children in the Early Learning Center spending up to five hours a day outside and bringing nature into the classroom. 到2021年,该计划将扩展到三年级.


Board approves changes to the mission and a new five-year strategic plan is adopted.

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